Comix Club!
Hi! This my page about comix club. Comix Club is at big break on Wednesdays. In comix club, you can make comics, read comics and even listen to music.
I am here interviewing David Maher from comix club:
1.What is your favourite part about comix club
My favourite part is making you own comic.
2.What is your comic about?
Me and adam's comic is about Spiderman, Ironman and Captain America teaming up against the Sinister Six and Hydra.
3. What is your comic's name?
Me and Adam's comic is called Marvel Secret Alliances.
4.I am assuming you each have a role in making you comic so who does what role in your team?
I have the job of drawing and Adam has the job of writing.
Thank you David for letting me interiew you. Goodbye and thank you for reading my page.

